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Our goal is still to provide services you need to be at your highest efficiency & effectiveness. We give you the advantage of our expertise in Oracle DBA, IFS Applications, Microsoft Dynamics, Sharepoint, Java and .net programming. With our skills we are maximizing your investment.

Our services are here offered 24/7, 365 days a year. These services are:

1. Remote Oracle DBA Services


Provides timely, reliable and cost-efficient Oracle database administration services. With A&EZ Solutions, you can focus on the core business activities without worrying about database administration and maintenance. We offer 24x7x365 support services which include installation, configuration, monitoring, administration, troubleshooting and performance tuning.

2. IFS Technical Services

IFS Applications

  • IFS SSRS & Crystal reporting
  • IFS Systems Administrator
  • IFS Data Migration specialist
  • IFS EDI specialist

3. Microsoft Dynamics application

Microsoft Dynamics CRM

4. C# and Java Programming

Why use A&EZ Solutions? We give you the tools and power with our experience and expertise backing you to succeed in all you ERP needs. You are secure in the knowledge that you have the best products and company working for you so that you can meet any challenge 24x7x365 days a year.


Main Office
405 S Creekside #305
Palatine, IL 60074
+1 (847) 293-2026

© Copyright 2014 A&EZ-Solutions Corp